İstanbul / Sakarya

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Seamless Transportation with Trans Austria

Switzerland is a country that stands out in European trade with its high standards and complex customs procedures. As Trans Austria, we turn these challenges into opportunities with our Switzerland-specific logistics solutions and offer our business partners a flawless...

Your Reliable Partner in European Logistics

At the heart of European trade, Austria is one of the most critical stops in the logistics industry. As Trans Austria, we offer reliable, fast and flexible logistics solutions to our business partners, enabling them to make the most...

Swap Body Transport in Trans Austria

The new model is Intermodal! With a view to fulfill our clients’ requirements in constantly evolving market conditions, we have started rendering services with special Swap Body equipment at regular trailer sizes. The existing equipment have the same dimensions...

We Have Expanded Our Foreign Distribution Network

In order to improve our clients’ competitive edge and provide a more flexible movement abroad, we have added two new warehouses in Switzerland and Bregenz, Austria. We are able to provide and maintain the required service quality for your...

Safer, More Environmentally Friendly Railway Transport!

We have started our more eco-friendly and affordable weekly regular two-way train trips without the worry of being stuck at customs. Multimodal transport (by railway connection), storage, railroad car loading and unloading, lashing, customs clearance and big container carriage...